Your donation lets her fly!
For as little as $100.00 we can take a young girl for a 20 minute plane ride. What does that actually mean?
As her body soars with the thrill of flight, so too does her imagination.
Suddenly becoming a pilot does not seem out of reach anymore. After all, she is flying right now with an outstanding female pilot.
Perhaps she wants to be a mechanic or scientist. Now that her eyes are firmly on the future, it becomes a real possibility.
Donation Levels:
- Gifts a young lady with a 20-minute flight
- A Girlsgofly T-shirt with your name on the back as her mentor
- A listing on our website hall of fame.
- Sends a girl on her way to a flight that could change her life.
Other: every little bit helps the mission.
We aggregate all donations into one flight at a time.
Every contribution is a gift to the future of young women and is gratefully accepted.