Funny story on Swiss Air flight home

So, here I am flying back on Swiss Air from 2 weeks of flying a 4-seat aircraft across three continents and the flight attendant who I have introduced myself to, asks me about my trip. His first question after I tell him I ferried one of 3 aircraft along with 5 other pilots is, “Did you ferry a C-Series”? Ha! What a laugh. (For those who don’t know, the C-Series are commercial jets that can carry approx. 175 passengers. They were bought by Airbus and renamed Airbus 220).

Once I was finally able to speak, my reply was “No. More like a ‘Mini’ Series.” I then proceeded to show him this picture.

N721DX Archer DX in Goose Bay, Newfoundland & Labrador

His face demonstrated a mix of disbelief and worry for my sanity. But I have to say it’s the best question I have been asked so far.

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